branchrust_reboot/main/Quarry Deployable Refreshcancel

14 Commits over 61 Days - 0.01cph!

10 Months Ago
updated animator speed change parameter on the pumpjack static prefab to 0.4
10 Months Ago
exported oiljack arm fbx to get the looping idle animation looping nicely after editing it in maya
10 Months Ago
setup pumpjack static prefab with correct engine collision for the engine switch and correct aniamted belt settings. also the olijack arm animtor now set up so the pumpjack can be stopped/started quickly
10 Months Ago
exported oiljack arm after mesh edits and set up anim controller
10 Months Ago
added oil jack belt and metal mesh colliders to pumpjack prefab
10 Months Ago
updated pumpjack static prefab
10 Months Ago
updated maetrial on lods on pumpjack static prefab
10 Months Ago
setting up pumpjack static prefab and edited oiljack anim controller
10 Months Ago
setting up static pumpjack prefab with animated oiljack arm
12 Months Ago
fixed scrolling rock texture issue on mining quarry static. The animated belts now have their own material assigned rather than sharing it with the rocks
1 Year Ago
updated miningquarry static prefab with capsules colliders on the animated half barrels
1 Year Ago
exported quarry track animation with updated scale values at 0.01 instead of 0
1 Year Ago
made quarry track animation loopable and exported with correct material name paths
1 Year Ago
partially set up mining quarry prefab and track contoller